I wanted students to get practice using the main types of references sources they need to know how to use, so I read the book Clever
Tom and the Leprechaun by Linda Shute as a jumping off point. I picked it in part because it was the week of St. Patrick's Day and in part because I knew there would be plenty of unfamiliar words.
While I read I had the 2nd grade students identify words they were not
familiar with by raising their hands and a volunteer (or the teacher) wrote down the words on slips of paper. Students then used dictionaries (both print and digital) to look up the unfamiliar words
and wrote the definitions. ELACC1RI4: Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of
words and phrases in a text. They started out by looking up their word in the print dictionary, but I knew they wouldn't find some of the words (ie. thunderation, hoodwink, etc.). If they were unsuccessful in finding the word in the print dictionary they then transitioned to a computer where I had pulled up an online dictionary. This exposed them to digital versions of print resources.
Other students used an atlas to locate Ireland on a map. First they had to use the index to locate the correct page with the map. I had paper on the table with directions and they recorded one fact they learned about Ireland by looking at the map (ie. Ireland is an island, The capital of Ireland is Dublin, etc.). ELACC1RI5:
Know and use various text features
(e.g., headings, tables of content, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a
Another group of students used World
Book Kids (an online encyclopedia) to
read the article on leprechauns and write a fact or two about them. ELACC1W8:
With guidance and support from
adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided
sources to answer a question.
Each student presented their new knowledge
to the class. I wrote up this activity and posted in on the bulletin board in the hall with photos of one of the classes. I always include the Common Core Standards that are being covered as some people don't think library media specialists do any teaching!