Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Library Do's and Dont's

I saw an idea on a elementary library media center website and decided to give it a go at my school.  I took the original idea, added a twist and created a movie.  I read the book, Underwear Do's and Don'ts by Todd Parr (and that is another story there...the book is out of print, not available at my library media center or the public library so Amazon to the rescue to get a copy) to my third grade classes.  We talked about the pattern and the rules and they came up with Library Do's and Don'ts.  We started out recording the library do's on a white board and afterwards came up with a don't for every do.  The next week I gave them a paper with the do's and don'ts printed on them and they each had the opportunity to illustrate one idea (week 2).  I also video recorded class doing an introduction to the whole project.  I scanned the completed illustrations of one group and wasn't really wild about the quality, so for the next classes I placed the illustrations on different colored construction paper and took a photo.  I liked the quality and the color of that method.  I used Windows Movie Maker to pull it all together and then the 3rd week recorded each student reading the caption of their illustrations.  The students got such a kick out of hearing their recorded voice.  I sent a copy of the finished product to each teacher and will used them also at the beginning of next year during our orientation period to talk about library behavior and care of the books.

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