Saturday, September 22, 2012

Guide Words Activity

I did a guide word-alphabetizing activity this week with 3rd grade classes that I created several years ago.  After an introduction where we figure out what they know about guide words, review where guide words are used, I pair up the students. Then I give them about 8 words (laminated, large print) and they put them in alphabetical order.

The students next take the words and figure out where they fit on large guide word pages. On Friday while working dismissal duty, one of the students asked me what activity we would be doing the next time his class came to the library.
He was a new student to our school, so I asked whose class he was in so I could figure out what had made him anticipate next week. It was the guide word-alphabetizing activity!  Who knew this simple, hands-on activity would make such an impression.

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