Thursday, November 29, 2012

"We Give Books" Website

I came across the website, "We Give Books", the other day and it is a wonderful thing!  It almost seems to good to be true.  You can join (it's free) and you can read digital books.  Once you complete reading the book they donate a book (a real, paper one) to a child.  Incredible!  It's the philanthropic arm of Pearson Publishing, and according to their website: We are dedicated to delivering award-winning books empowering you to read and share beautiful stories with children in your life...The We Give Books team works upfront with each non-profit literacy partner to identify the kinds of children's books that best fit their program needs. Some of the same great books you can read online will be donated to our charity partners through your reading efforts. We also donate others they request specifically for the young people they serve. 

Check it out!

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